Zazil Ha

PRP Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for hair restoration is a non-surgical procedure using your plasma applied topically and by injection to stimulate new hair growth and enhance the health and texture of existing hair.

How does it work?
PRP treatment stimulates and nourishes hair follicles using highly concentrated plasma. This plasma releases growth factors that promote new hair growth and improve existing hair density and health. The treatment is comfortable, using a cooling device, with minimal tenderness and swelling at the injection sites for a few days. The complete treatment, including PRP preparation and injection, takes less than an hour.

PRP treatment can lead to hair follicle stimulation and hair regeneration. It improves hair health, strength, and diameter, preventing further hair loss. The degree of new hair growth varies from person to person.



1. How soon will I see results from my PRP treatment?

Improvements can be seen within two weeks, but typically it takes three to six months from the initial treatment to see measurable results.

2. Is ongoing treatment necessary for PRP hair loss prevention?

Yes, the results of PRP treatment are not permanent. Repeat treatments are typically needed between 12-24 months after the initial treatment to maintain hair density.

3. What are the side effects of PRP treatment for thinning hair?

Side effects may include mild bleeding, bruising, infection risk at the injection site, tenderness, and mild swelling. Allergic reactions are rare as PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood.

Words from our happy clients

"The service was spectacular! Love the staff, they solve all my questions so I would be relaxed."

Olivia Rodriguez

“I absolutely love it! I’ve tried other places before but do not see any progress, this time is different. You need to try it!” 

Carla Barbarena

I stayed at the hotel where the Spa is located, this is the best idea ever! I relaxed at my vacations and continued my laser treatment.” 

Sally Walden