Zazil Ha

IPL Photorejuvenation

Bid farewell to the visible signs of aging with our advanced photorejuvenation treatments. Witness the remarkable reduction of various aging indicators like, dark spots, acne, visible veins, discoloration on skin and more.

Photorejuvenation IPL

Discover the transformative benefits of IPL Photorejuvenation at our laser spa in Isla Mujeres. This cutting-edge treatment uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to gently penetrate the layers of your skin. As the light is absorbed, it generates heat, aiding cells in correcting imperfections without causing harm to the surrounding areas. Our IPL treatment boasts a built-in cooling system, ensuring the protection of your skin and enhancing your overall comfort throughout the session.

Ideal for addressing acne concerns, the combination of the blue and red beams synergistically works to eliminate bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote improved circulation. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience these benefits firsthand – book an appointment today! You’ll be delighted with the results.


Areas suitable for treatment:

  • Full face 
  • Neck  
  • Chest  
  • Arms  
  • Hands 
  • Upper leg  
  • Areas with acne 



1. Is the procedure painful? 

No, you will only feel tiny hits on your skin. Depending on your pain tolerance you can use a numbing cream prior to the appointment, this need to be discussed with your doctor beforehand.  

2. How soon will I notice results?

The treatment typically requires 3 to 5 sessions, contingent upon your desired outcomes, the recommendations of specialists, and the progress observed after each session.

3. What are the potential side effects?

After the treatment, mild inflammation in the treated area may occur, gradually diminishing throughout the day. Over the subsequent 8 to 10 days, the formation of scabs is expected, and it’s essential not to remove them to facilitate proper healing of the skin.

Words from our happy clients

I planned by vacations around this treatment and it was the best decision ever. Got relaxed and my new baby face."

Ellison Oswalt

“I will definitely come back; the laser did magic with my dark spots. Plus, the sunscreen they recommended is helping the process".

Lorena Gutiérrez

The word LASER was intimidating, but thanks to the staff I almost fall asleep during the session, they made me feel so secure! ."

Theresa Granados