Zazil Ha

PRP Facial

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment, commonly known as the “vampire facial,” is a popular anti-aging treatment that uses your own blood to stimulate collagen production and activate growth factors. This innovative method combines microneedling with a plasma serum, enhancing skin rejuvenation by improving texture, tone, reducing wrinkles, and promoting new collagen growth.

How does it work?
PRP works by drawing a small amount of blood (around 2 to 4 tablespoons) is drawn from your arm. The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge, which separates the platelets from the rest of the blood, creating a layer with a high concentration of platelets. The dermatologist injects the blood with a high concentration of platelets into your face or scalp, using a syringe or microneedling. In some cases, for immediate results, a filler may also be injected.

Some benefits of this treatment are:

  • Increases collagen production
  • Minimizes wrinkles and fine lines
  • Diminishes sun damage
  • Tightens the skin
  • Reduces acne damage and scarring
  • Heals and renews the skin
  • Reduces under-eye circles
  • Promotes wound healing


1. Who is a good candidate for PRP facial rejuvenation?

PRP is suitable for almost anyone looking for anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments, effective for all skin types and ages.

2. How often should I get PRP facial treatments?

Typically, a series of at least three treatments over three months is recommended for best results. However, the frequency can vary based on individual skin response.

3. Are PRP treatment results permanent?

While not permanent, PRP results can last up to three years with proper aftercare and follow-up treatments.

Words from our happy clients

I planned by vacations around this treatment and it was the best decision ever. Got relaxed and my new baby face."

Ellison Oswalt

“I will definitely come back; the laser did magic with my dark spots. Plus, the sunscreen they recommended is helping the process".

Lorena Gutiérrez

The word LASER was intimidating, but thanks to the staff I almost fall asleep during the session, they made me feel so secure! ."

Theresa Granados